Team Training

Our training programmes are designed for the whole team providing a mix of workshop, practice and application. We believe training should provide both learning and immediate execution. To support this, we work with direct, day-to-day issues the team faces.

We find that learning is most effective when spread over several weeks (or longer) and comprises workshops of around 3 hours each – building one on eachother. 

Programmes are designed to fit your needs, both content and scheduling. 

Below you will find a variety of possible content that, together with you, we will design into a coherent programme. 

Framework for Success

Examples of Training Elements


·        Clear team purpose  – the difference we make in the world

·        Values  – what is most important to us as people and as a team

·    Clear long-term goals  – how we know when we are successful

·        Clear short-term goals  – steps that will move us forward

·        Alignment –  we know and agree our direction 

·        Needs we serve  – how this team benefits us as individuals, as a group and as Society


·        Beliefs about team, self and others  – beliefs empowering us and those holding us back

·        Needs  – why people do what they do

·        Power – how power is used in this team and how we want to use it

·        Positivity and negativity how these outlooks on life co-exist in our team

·        Independence and interdependence  – how we balance individual needs and the team needs


·        Speaking up to address conflict  – speak up and listen when you have different opinions to bring the differences together in resolution

·        Handling requests  – ensure a manageable and relevant workload

·        Giving and receiving feedback  – provide constructive feedback to improve performance and collaboration

·        Appreciation – recognize and appreciate success


·        Decision-making  – how to make decisions that work for everyone

·        Communication channels  – how and when we inform and how we record the teams’ wisdom

·        Conflict solving process  – how we deal constructively with disagreement and conflict

·        Working environment  – the environment that best serves us working together

·        Organisation  – how we organise ourselves and monitor progress against goals

Contact us to discuss your needs